Purso Greenline – 100% Recycled Aluminum
Purso is among the first aluminium manufacturers in the world to create a product line for recycled aluminium – Purso Greenline.
Customer receives Purso Greenline certificate to guarantee that the product is made of recycled aluminum from start to finish. Certificate can be used in customer’s own marketing.
Recycling reduces the use of natural resources and consumes only 5% of the energy required to make the same amount of aluminum from its virgin source (primary aluminium).
Energy saving, recyclability and environmental values tell that customer is acting responsibly in their own operations. In addition, using 100% recycled material improves customer’s own recycling rate. As a durable product aluminium is excellent material for recycling since it retains its quality.
The Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) describes the environmental impacts of a product.
Purso’s aluminium products have product-specific EPDs. The declarations, approved by an independent third party, are the only method based on international standards for the assessment of the environmental impacts of products during their life cycle.
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