Sports facilities’ SNEP® lighting at Pirkkolahalli

A huge number of people use the Pirkkola’s multi-purpose hall, from primary school pupils to adults and from amateurs to professional athletes. In the 10,000-square-metre hall, under Purso-provided lighting, you can play and take part in a variety of sports, such as gymnastics, basketball, athletics, volleyball, martial arts, gymnastics and functional training.
A lot is demanded of the lighting since it must be able to support, for example, the playing and broadcasting of league-level basketball games. Kirsi Eräkangas, Chairman of the Board of Pirkkolan liikuntahalli Oy, says that both staff and users have been very satisfied with the lighting.

Purso’s efficient and controllable lighting solution
Scheduled light control is not a suitable option for Pirkkolahalli since the opening hours of the hall vary, and there may even be shifts outside the official opening hours. Instead, motion sensors are used in, e.g., common areas, says Kirsi Eräkangas. The customer service controls the lighting in the halls according to needs:
– For example, during broadcast matches, the lighting is adjusted to be brighter than usual. The staff also ensures that lights are not turned on unnecessarily in halls where there are no bookings.

Finnish league basketball is played under top-quality lighting
Pirkkolahalli is the venue for top national-level basketball, and the basketball games are broadcast live on TV. The flicker-free lighting ensures that the fast movements of the players and the ball are clearly recorded. To provide a high-quality viewing experience to people at home, the lighting must be of top quality,” says Eräkangas:
– The light should be sufficiently bright and steady to avoid shadows and glare.
Due to broadcasting, the light level was raised significantly above the usual standards, says Topias Haukkala, Regional Salesperson for lighting solutions in Southern Finland. The daylight-like tone of the light helps cameras capture natural colours and details. The high colour rendering index also ensures that colours are reproduced as naturally as possible and stand out well on the television, too.
– For us, the main thing is that users are happy; it’s great to see that this truly is the case. Our Series S luminaires provide high-quality and durable solutions for sports facilities,” says Haukkala.
Over 20,000 visits per month
Pirkkolahalli was developed to provide for a long-standing shortage of sports facilities, and it really shows: the hall has lots of users. Important user groups include team athletes from local sports clubs such as basketball and gymnastics clubs, and the facilities also provide important sports opportunities to the students of the nearby sports-oriented North Haaga Community School. There are more than 20,000 visits per month, says Eräkangas.

SNEP® lighting for various indoor sports facilities
Smooth, user-friendly lighting that does not flicker, glare or form distracting sharp shadows. This is important in the gym, in gymnastics and ball games. When playing, for example, badminton and floorball, Purso’s Finnish luminaires support the accurate viewing of moving sports equipment without the worry of glare. Haukkala says that she has personal experiences when it comes to annoying glare on the badminton courts:
– The importance of not being glare-free is particularly important in sports, where it is natural to look up from time to time.
Purso’s optics for sports facilities are designed for energy efficiency, and the correct light distribution provides high-quality lighting for large and small fields and other sports facilities.

Office lighting with the SNEP® solution
In addition to the sports facilities, Pirkkolahalli also has conference rooms, which are used, e.g., as meeting and training facilities for sports clubs. The Purso luminaires are suitable for these multi-purpose spaces because of their flexibility,” says Haukkala:
– The controlled lighting is designed in such a way that the premises can be transformed from a lounge to a classroom or office as required.